The Malaysian government, through the Chief Minister Tan Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, urged former information minister Tan Sri Zainuddin maidins to apologize to Indonesia for insulting words of former Indonesian President BJ Habibie."This fact may harms (confirmed) two strong ties between Malaysia and Indonesia and the people of the two countries. We want to assert that the writing Zainuddin does not represent the establishment of Malaysians, "Abdul Khalid Ibrahim Tan said in an official statement received in Jakarta, Saturday (15/12/20102).
Khalid Ibrahim said that the Kingdom of Selangor was disappointed with the article published by Utusan Malaysia related insult to Habibie. Therefore, the Kingdom of Selangor also urged media Utusan Malaysia and Zainuddin to immediately apologize to Habibie and the Indonesian people, before the issue becomes worse.According to him, Indonesia and Malaysia is a friend who has the same characteristics, including history, culture and religion, so that their relationship is supposed to be appreciated by people of both countries."This is one reason why Selangor BJ Habibie invited to share their experiences and thoughts in the work of implementing the land reform and improve the process of democratization," he said.
Last week, Indonesia's third president was in Selangor for two days as a guest of the Kingdom to officially congratulate a university in the country. However, the Habibie visits by Zainuddin Mydin regarded as a form of support for the opposition Anwar Ibrahim, calling them as "Dogs of Imperialism".The article has come under fire from many quarters, including Parliament who protested loudly against the Malaysian Prime Minister Mohammed Najib Tun Razak.
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